Have you been to ICON Park Orlando yet?

So many fun things to do! I decided to make a trip out to Orlando and check out Madame Tussauds and the Sea Life Aquarium.
I will have to be honest I had no idea what to expect with the wax museum since I have never been to one before. I have only seen them in horror movies haha.
What a great time! All of the figures were so realistic! They had everything from presidents of the United States, Classic movie actors/actresses, Athletes, Musicians and so much more!
Justice League is such a cool addition to Madame Tussauds. On Friday they added Cyborg and Flash to the area. I even helped superman hold up a helicopter. I know.. those gym pumps have been paying off right?

I am not sure who my favorite was to take a picture with but I do know that I will definitely go back after finding out how fun it is! You can purchase your tickets online for $25.50! Purchase your tickets HERE.

Next stop up was the Sea Life Aquarium! This was such a unique aquarium I was blown away! So many different areas where you could put your head in globes to make it feel like you were underwater with the fish!

Many of there sea life creatures are on the endangered list, have been rescued and cannot be released into the wild or have been born and bred as part of there conservation projects.
I learned alot while I was there. Did you know that stingrays are related to sharks? How about the fact that the aquarium holds over 350,000 gallons of water? That is a ton!
My favorite part at the Sea Life Aquarium was meeting Shelly. Shelly is a rescued sea turtle that was paralyzed from a boat hitting her. She never regained function back in her back flippers so they have to keep her at the aquarium permanently. She was so sweet and graceful.
You can purchase tickets online in advance as well for $25.50. Purchase your tickets HERE.
There is also an option to experience Madame Tussauds and the Sea Life Aquarium as a package. You can buy your tickets in advance online for $39.95. Purchase HERE.
I overall had a blast at ICON Park Orlando. Next time I go back I definitely want to experience The Wheel. It is on my to-do list.
